Daily S.O.A.P. Scriptures

We are currently posting a Daily Devo on CC Socials.

Follow along on Facebook or Instagram.

Please reference these devos and their scripture as your S.O.A.P. reference.

Read and re-read this passage this week for your S.O.A.P. journal.


LIFE JOURNALS are available at all Christ’s Church campuses for a nominal fee. Grab a copy in The Source.

How do I use my life journal?**

Open your Bible and ask God to illuminate what He wants you to learn and apply today. Read your daily fasting scripture / devotional. God’s Word says that the Holy Spirit “will guide you into all truth” and will help you understand what you read from the scriptures. Read the passage slowly and look for that specific “gem” of truth that jumps off the page and grabs your attention.

SCRIPTURE: Chose one Bible verse that stands out to me and copy it word for word.

OBSERVATION: What does this verse teach me about my relationship with God?

APPLICATION: How will I be different because of what I’ve read today?

PRAYER: Write out a prayer asking God to help me live out what I’ve just learned.

When you are done fill in the date and create a title for your journal entry.

Here’s an example…

[ DATE ] Who Am I Pleasing?

SCRIPTURE: Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Galatians 1:10)

OBSERVATION: How much of my life is wasted trying to be liked, accepted or celebrated by people around me who don’t matter? How many times do I make life decisions based upon opinions of those who don’t love me or God? Why am I so consumed with winning the approval of others and not consumed with pleasing my Heavenly Father?

APPLICATION: Today I want to run every decision I make through the filter of pleasing God. I choose to believe that if I please God with my decisions and life, it will not only be the best for me, but it will honor God and others.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father give me the strength today to make hard decisions. Help me to be so confident in my identity as your son that I don’t place others’ opinions and direction above yours. Give me the courage to act on this today. Amen

Now you give it a try! God’s promises are sure on this…“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)